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Skin Care
Active ingredient: Permethrin

The effect of clomipramine is to inhibit the opposite neurological catching of serotonin and noradrenaline. The most crucial is the suppression of serotonin recapture. In addition, the medicine has a broad range of other pharmacological actions: alpha 1-adrenoliticheskoe, anticholinergic, antigestagen and antiserotonergic. The pill acts on the depressive disorder in general. The difference is usually observed after 2-3 weeks of therapy. Acticine also has a specific influence on obsessive-compulsive disorders.

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Other names for this medication
Delivery period
14-21 days
Tracking# available in 14 days
Delivery period
3-8 days
Tracking# available in 3 days


Availability: In Stock 48 packs
Package tube Total price Save Order
30gm × 3 Tubes $16.36
- Add to cart
30gm × 4 Tubes $14.37
$7.96 Add to cart
30gm × 5 Tubes $13.18
$15.90 Add to cart
30gm × 6 Tubes $12.39
$23.82 Add to cart
30gm × 7 Tubes $11.82
$31.78 Add to cart
30gm × 8 Tubes $11.39
$39.76 Add to cart
30gm × 9 Tubes $11.06
$47.70 Add to cart
30gm × 10 Tubes $10.80
+ Bonus - 4 Pills
$55.60 Add to cart
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Product description

Acticin with an active substance of permethrin is a medication given to the patients which are fighting the scabies problem. It’s equally applied for the patients of various age groups as it is harmless for all age groups. The medication is capable not only of destroying the parasites but additional it kills the eggs that might dwell within the body and wait for the hatching time bringing back the disease with even faster tempo.

In the majority of cases, one application of the medicament is enough to stimulate a greater portion of relief. Among other features of the medication is the capability of the substance to produce the healing and sterilizing effect on the wounds that were inflicted by the insects, if the cream is applied. The pills destroy the parasites from within the body as it dissolves in the blood flow and serves as the poison that kills the vermin without giving them a chance to survive.

The doctor can prescribe Acticin for the healing of not only scabies but also for some other maladies which are not indicated in the medical sheet.

Safety Information

In order to minimize the risks of adverse reaction, some portion of extra safety would never harm. The consumer should be very careful with the remedy and follow the prescription that is issued by the medical worker. Pay attention to the following points which will secure your safety during the treatment procedure.

• Write down the list of all the medications that you are currently consuming and do not forget to mention the supplements and vitamins and give it to the therapist so that he could detect the potential risk of conflict between various medical substances.

• Inform the doctor of any chronical diseases as the active substance might have a chance of worsening the disease in case of improper use.

• There are people who are allergic to Permethrin or similar substance and it is advisable to inform the doctor in case of allergic reaction risk.

Following the safety measures is will heighten the chances of successful treatment and minimize the chances of side effects.

Side Effects

After numerous testing and experiments, Acticin has proven itself to be quite harmless with a minimal symptomatic spectrum of side effects. Although there is no lethal outcome that is caused by the medication there still might be some peculiar cases of intolerance and allergic reactions due to an individual reaction of the body.

The Acticin has got the following side effects which demand the attention of the doctor and medical assistance to avoid the progression of the side effects and their transformation into something dangerous:

• The person can experience the swelling of separate parts of the body together with a miniature rash.

• Some patients face difficulties with breathing and unexplained coughing.

• After the consumption of Acticin people can experience the burning feeling of either skin or from inside – that is a definite marker that something is wrong.

• Eyes can become red and start itching.

• In rare cases, an allergic reaction is followed by fever and chest pain and that requires serious medical intrusion.

In all other situations, the medication is safe for applying and it is always advisable to follow the advice of the medical workers to gain the most productive result.

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