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Active ingredient: Butenafine

It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent that effectively inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In addition, it reversibly inhibits collagen-induced platelet aggregation. In oral administration, the drug is partly absorbed in the abdomen and then completely in the intestine. After metabolism in the liver (hydroxylation, carboxylation) pharmacologically inactive metabolites are completely excreted in the urine. In oral administration, the maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved in 1-2 hours.

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Availability: In Stock 50 packs
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15gm × 1 Tubes $37.03
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15gm × 2 Tubes $28.80
$16.46 Add to cart
15gm × 3 Tubes $26.05
$32.94 Add to cart
15gm × 4 Tubes $24.68
$49.40 Add to cart
15gm × 5 Tubes $23.86
$65.85 Add to cart
15gm × 6 Tubes $23.31
$82.32 Add to cart
15gm × 7 Tubes $22.92
$98.77 Add to cart
15gm × 8 Tubes $22.63
$115.20 Add to cart
15gm × 9 Tubes $22.40
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$131.67 Add to cart
15gm × 10 Tubes $22.22
+ Bonus - 4 Pills
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$148.10 Add to cart
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Your order will be packed safe and secure and dispatched within 24 hours. This is exactly how your parcel will look like (pictures of a real shipping item). It has a size and a look of a regular private letter (9.4x4.3x0.3 inches or 24x11x0.7cm) and it does not disclose its contents

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Mentax is aimed at treating ringworm and itching of different stages. Read the information about its dosage, composition and negative effects before starting using this pharmaceutic.

Product Description

The Mentax cream has been designed to treat ringworm or itching which can occur differently. The main component of the cream is Butenafine Hydrochloride. It is produced in Milan. The cream should be used by people who have the following signs: symptoms of illness ringworm, itching of a different nature.

Safety Information

Consult your doctor before starting the therapy – you are to inform about the allergic reactions or chronic diseases you have.

It is necessary to tell about your upcoming surgery and/or pregnancy. This is crucial because the collateral damage of the cream may appear stronger depending on the condition of your body. Use the remedy only according to the instructions specified by your doctor. Its dosage always is prescribed respectively the state of health.

People who have a high sensitivity to one or several components of the cream are highly advised to stop using it. The pharmaceutic cannot be administered if you have a high sensitivity to it.

Inform your physician about the changes or deteriorations in your health. In that case, if you miss the time of using the ointment it should be done as soon as possible. If a time for a new usage is coming you should follow your usual schedule of medication. You do not need to apply a double dose of the cure to compensate for the previous one.

If you forget to use the cream regularly, think about setting up a reminder to receive and ask someone in your family to remind you of the schedule. You can also set an alarm on your phone that will give a signal about applying the medicine every day. In this way, you will not break your schedule. Adjusting the schedule cannot be done without a doctor’s attention, especially if you have forgotten completely about the cure.

Side Effects

In this section, you can learn about the collateral damage that can cause this remedy. The list of effects that adversely affect health is not final. If you experience or suspect any of them, feel free to call for medical help asap.

The negative consequences that have been recorded in people are not always constant and similar. They can appear very rarely and have no complications but sometimes during the therapy, its components can have a strong negative effect and lead to serious health problems. So, never hesitate to call 911 or your physician.

Don’t try to stand it especially if the negative effects last for days.The most common are such negative reactions as irritation, burning, redness, itching in the place where the ointment is applied to.

Remember that even one cream that has passed the expiration date will lead to negative consequences. Do not forget to ask advice from your doctor in case if you feel pain or weakness. A drug that has expired may lose its effectiveness and do not help in the fighting against your ailment. To ensure the safety of the reception, give up the medicine which has passed the expiration date.

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