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Active ingredient: Warfarin

Coumadin is a drug that promotes blood thinning in the veins. Within a short period of application, anticoagulant reduces viscous blood consistency and lowers the risk of blood clots. The drug is prescribed only after laboratory blood tests when certain symptoms are detected. Independent use of tablets is prohibited, only a doctor may establish the need for taking the drug. Thrombosis is a disease that is characterized by the formation of blood clots. In case of delayed treatment, this disease may cause disorders of oxygen metabolism in the blood and embolism.

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Availability: In Stock 116 packs
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The clotting of blood may become a serious hazard for health and even life of any person. This problem is especially burning for those, who have lived through a stroke or a heart attack. Individuals suffering from atrial fibrillation are also in danger. The best way to prevent the repeated attacks and stay safe and sound is to take Coumadin pills.

Product description

Coumadin is aimed at blood thinning. This property of the preparation is used to prevent the formation of the blood clots. Its active component is called Warfarin.

The medication is prescribed to reduce the probability of repeated heart attack, the formation of blood clots in cardiological patients in the post-operational period, and to lower the risks in individuals suffering from heart rhythm abnormalities.

The remedy is manufactured in the forms of solution for injections and pills of nine different colors. Each color corresponds to different pill strengths. The lowest dose available is 1mg. Then come 2mg pills, 2.5mg, 3mg, 4mg, 5mg, 6mg and 7mg. The strongest tablets contain 10mg of the active ingredient. The dose applied in each case depends on several factors including the patient’s weight, age, race, gender, genetics and the currently taken drugs.

Safety information

Coumadin intake may provoke a severe bleeding, which may be life-threatening if left without medical help. You should avoid administering this medication if you are inclined to heavy bleedings. The drug is also not recommended if:

  • You are allergic to Warfarin or any of the inactive ingredients of the remedy;
  • The risks for your health prevail the benefits;
  • You are pregnant or plan pregnancy.

Some of your health conditions may also affect the tactics of treatment. Your healthcare provider should obligatorily know if you have or have had:

  • Kidney or liver disease;
  • Congestive heart failure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertension;
  • Problems with the blood system.

In addition, patients who are over 65 years of age should be closely monitored during the therapy as their risks of experiencing severe bleeding or any other adverse effects are very high.

Individuals taking Coumadin should inform their medical specialist about any changes in their nutrition as some food products may diminish the effect of the pill. Furthermore, you should make a list of all drugs, vitamins, herbal products and supplements you take to discuss the probability of hazardous interactions with a professional.

Side effects

Warfarin intake is most often associated with a high probability of bleeding. To the first signs of this side effect belong:

  • Bloody urine;
  • Extreme weakness;
  • Headache, faintness;
  • Nose bleeding;
  • Gum bleeding;
  • Easy bruising;
  • A lasting bleeding that won’t stop (e.g. cut);
  • Vaginal or excessive menstrual bleeding;
  • Blood in stools.

These are not all possible symptoms of the issue. Talk to your doctor to know more.

Among the other negative effects, which may be induced by the drug are:

  • Necrosis of the skin and other tissues, which happens because of the blockage of an artery by the blood clot.
  • Kidney issues. This adverse effect usually appears in people who have already had some kidney disease.
  • Change of the color of toes. Pain and darkening of the toes tell about the obstruction of the blood flow.

Having noticed any unwanted reactions, seek emergency help because some cases of severe bleeding may end up fatally.

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