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General Health
Active ingredient: Norpace

An antiarrhythmic Ia class drug, a blocker of the "fast" Na+ channels. It has a membrane stabilizing, anti-arrhythmic, hypotensive and m-anticholinergic action. In normally functioning sinus node it causes acceleration of the sinus rhythm due to the antimuscarinic effect.

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14-21 days
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Availability: In Stock 96 packs
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150mg × 1 Pills $0.40
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100mg × 1 Pills $0.29
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Norpace product descrioption

Norpace belongs to the group of preparations indicated to heal the maladies of the cardiovascular group. Disopyramide that's the name of the basic component. It is applicable for atrial and ventricular extrasystoles (including with ineffectiveness of lidocaine), paroxysmal SVT (episodes of rapid heart rate that are manifested from time to time) nodal tachycardia, in case of the problem with the speed or rhythm of the heartbeat and/or abnormal heart rhythm (atrial flutter/AFL), nodal reentrant

tachycardia in (WPW syndrome/Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome), ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia); support of a normal sinus rhythm after pharmaceutical or aparate cardioversion , recovery of sinus rhythm (after open surgical intervention on the heart with flicker or AFL); prevention of heart arrhythmias. There are indications in which this pharmaceutical product demonstrates more efficacy in the ventricular fibrillation and extrasystole. By action it is similar to quinidine; refers to antiarrhythmic agents of a group I: lessens the passage through the cell membranes of sodium ions, prolongs the refractory periods of the atrium, slows the conductibility of the AV node (bundle branch block/bundle of His/atrioventricular node).

Norpace safety information

Norpace is usually prescribed to be received inside, 0.1g (1 capsule), and in the most serious occasion 0.2g 3 4 times a day (with the same downtime). For the first intake, a «starting» dosage of 0.3g is advised, then the individual optimal dosage is selected. Commonly, the maintenance dosage is 0.1 g 3-4 receptions per day. There are also few different schedules for the use of this preparation, but they do not diverse perceptibly from the indicated.

It is prohibited to receive Disopyramide during the following conditions: atrioventricular block, severe bradycardia, severe heart insufficiency, cardiogenic shock. In case of an infraction of kidney and hepatic function, the dosage of disopyramide must be lessened (the "starting" dosage is to be less than 0.2g, then 0.1g in case of the longer intervals). You should consume this medical agent with an accuracy especially when taking the other remedies slowing down the rhythm of the pulse (such as amiodarone, etc.).

Norpace side effects

Norpace is an antiarrhythmic medical remedy with a high efficacy, however, when it is taken with an overdose or the instructions are neglected, any kind of adverse reaction is likely to occur. Few among them are associated with the pronounced anticholinergic effect of the remedy: dry mouth, discomfort, difficulty in urination etc; with the possibility of inhibition of the myocardial contractility, and lowering of the blood pressure at high dosages. There are also occasions of increased arrhythmias. One can get a headache, one may feel dizzy or experience allergic reactions.

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Healthy Bones

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Men`s Health

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