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Active ingredient: albendazole

Albenza - anthelmintic agent which is active concerning adult individuals and larval forms. Albendazole influences polymerization of β-tubulin, which stops it. As a result, occurs violation of formation of microtubules in intestines of helminths, the ability of vermis to acquire glucose is suppressed. It is blocked the normal intracellular migration of organellas, and it is prevented the synthesis of ATP in their muscular tissue. Creation of therapeutic concentration of albendaloze leads to death of helminths. Medicine causes death of nematodes (Necator americanus, Strongyloides stercoralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, Cutaneous Larva Migrans, Ancylostoma duodenale), cestode (pig, bull and dwarf tapeworm), trematode (Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini), elementary (Lamblia).

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Availability: In Stock 117 packs
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400mg × 30 Pills $4.33
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400mg × 60 Pills $3.70
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90mg × 90 Pills $3.49
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Albenza product description

Drug uses

Albenza is an anthelmintic drug with a broad spectrum of antiprotozoal activity. Antiparasitic drug Albenza is prescribed to adults and pediatric patients (6 years and older) for the treatment of:

  • cystic hydatid disease of the lung, peritoneum, and liver, caused by the larval form of the dog tapeworm
  • parenchymal neurocysticercosis, caused by the larval forms of the pork tapeworm, including Taenia solium

Albenza exerts a powerful anthelmintic effect, breaks and inhibits the process of reproduction and development of the helminth larvae. The dose and duration of Albenza use should be set individually, depending on the patient’s body weight and the invasive infection type.

Albenza daily dose for adults, weighing 60 kg or above is 400mg. The dose of Albenza antiparasitic drug for patients, weighing less than 60kg, and for children of 6 years and older is 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

The maximum daily dose of Albenza for adults is 800mg. The total daily dose of Albenza is recommended to be divided into 2 equal portions and taken with main meals.

Missed dose

The helminth infestation therapy requires regular Albenza intake. The patient should follow the dosage regimen and avoid missing a dose intake.

If the patient forgot to take a medication in time, he or she should take the missed dose, as soon as remembers about it. However, the patient should skip the missed dose and take the next Albenza dose according to dosage regimen (without doubling), if less than 5 hours are left before the next dose intake.

More information

Going through the helminth invasion treatment requires thorough premises cleaning and adhering with the personal hygiene rules. Periodic thermal linen disinfection is also recommended, while going through treatment with anthelmintic drug Albenza.

Women of childbearing age should take a pregnancy test before they start using Albenza. Albenza exerts a teratogenic action, so sexually active women should use reliable contraception methods during the entire period of anthelmintic treatment.


Film-coated tablets (FCT) and chewable tablets Albenza should be stored in blister packs or original bottles at a temperature below 30°C. Shelf life of the chew and FCT tablets Albenza is 5 years in adherence to the recommended temperature regime.

Albenza safety information


Using Albenza in conjunction with Dexamethasone, Praziquantel and Cimetidine can enhance the anthelmintic effect of Albenza. The patients with liver abnormalities are recommended to pass regular monitoring of hepatic function during the entire period of anthelmintic therapy. Symptoms, associated with an inflammatory reaction (increased intracranial pressure, seizures), may manifest in patient during the neurocysticercosis treatment. Steroids and anticonvulsants can be used to reduce these symptoms.


Information about antiparasitic drug Albenza is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical care. The online pharmacy assumes no responsibility for the consequences, which arose from the use of or inability to use the published information about Albenza.

Albenza side effects

Albenza rarely causes any adverse events. Less than 4% of the clinical trial participants stopped taking the antiparasitic drug due to adverse hepatic or hematologic disorders. Side effects do not appear, or are mild in most patients, using Albenza to eradicate intestinal worms.

During the infectious parasitic disease treatment, after intake of Albenza pills, the patient may feel: liver dysfunction symptoms, abdominal pain, dizziness, fever, headache, hyperpyrexia, allergic reactions (pruritus, rash, urticarial), leucopenia, meningeal signs, nausea, vomiting, raised intracranial pressure, hair loss (reversible).

Often, the type of Albenza side effects depends on the infectious disease type. For example, Albenza may cause dizziness in the treatment of hydatid disease, while in the treatment of neurocysticercosis this adverse effect occurs only in individual cases.

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