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Active ingredient: Extracts of garlic

It is a powerful tool which lowers cholesterol in the blood, strengthens blood vessels and fights parasites. Lasuna balances coronary function prevents the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of the coronary arteries. The medicine stabilizes blood pressure levels. It regulates the level of lipids in plasma, the number of platelets in the blood, cholesterol and blood sugar and strengthens immunity. Strong antioxidant properties eliminate free radicals that cause an imbalance in the normal functioning of blood vessels, which should fully narrow and expand for their natural work.

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14-21 days
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3-8 days
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Availability: In Stock 118 packs
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60caps × 1 Bottles $36.71
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60caps × 2 Bottles $30.59
$12.24 Add to cart
60caps × 3 Bottles $28.55
$24.48 Add to cart
60caps × 4 Bottles $27.53
$36.72 Add to cart
60caps × 5 Bottles $26.92
$48.95 Add to cart
60caps × 6 Bottles $26.51
$61.20 Add to cart
60caps × 7 Bottles $26.22
$73.43 Add to cart
60caps × 8 Bottles $26.00
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$85.68 Add to cart
60caps × 9 Bottles $25.83
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$97.92 Add to cart
60caps × 10 Bottles $25.70
+ Bonus - 4 Pills
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$110.10 Add to cart
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Your order will be packed safe and secure and dispatched within 24 hours. This is exactly how your parcel will look like (pictures of a real shipping item). It has a size and a look of a regular private letter (9.4x4.3x0.3 inches or 24x11x0.7cm) and it does not disclose its contents

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This is an herbal medicine which is based on a medicinal extract of basil. It is used as one of the most popular remedies that have strong healing power. Plants in these tablets increase mental and physical activity, stimulate the body's resistance to colds, as well as resistance to other environmental components.

Product Description

The plants that are used in the tablets are grown in India and could be found in every house there. The herbs have cleansing and healing properties. The pills are made from all parts of the plant - from stems, inflorescences, leaves, roots. In ancient times, this drug was used to protect crops from insects. The medicine acts as an antipyretic and a diaphoretic drug. It eliminates spasms and makes the nervous system stronger. Due to the pills, there is higher resistance to stress and fatigue. The tablets have antiseptic and antibacterial effects. They also help with a cough and have expectorant properties. The drug is taken for the treatment and prevention of such types of diseases as:

  • Diabetes mellitus (pills lessen the symptoms of the disease which aggravate the quality of life of the patient). The pharmaceutic reduces the level of glucose in the blood;
  • Tuberculosis – basil blocks the growth of the tubercle bacillus;
  • Bronchial asthma or other respiratory system diseases (pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, bronchitis). Tablets remove the sputum and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism;
  • Colds, viral diseases;
  • Bloating, abnormal intestinal activity;
  • A headache, migraine;
  • Low immunity.Pills have antioxidant properties and stimulate the immune system helping the body to recover very quickly and fight diseases.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses;
  • State of intoxication;
  • Fever or febrile state;
  • Protects against radiation;
  • Helps with cataract treatment.

In addition to the fact that the tablets may cure the above diseases, they also increase the level of mental abilities such as attention, memory, remembering new information and its susceptibility, cognitive abilities.

Herbal tablets increase life expectancy. They have a pronounced aroma, an astringent and tart taste which is considered an elixir, improve health and make life longer.

The important function of the drug is that it increases the resistance to chemical, physical, biological effects and stressful situations. The pills easily help to endure situations which require a high increase in attention or mental effort. Basil, which is the main component, is effective if you have fungal skin diseases.

Safety Information

The pills are taken one to two capsules a day before eating. As with all herbal medicines, these tablets should be washed down with warm water or milk. The duration of the treatment is determined by the state of health and is appointed by a doctor.

Side Effects

Even if the drug is of vegetable origin, it has some contraindications. For example, an adverse reaction may appear in children under 14 years, during breastfeeding and lactation, they can also develop if you use the drug is taken by people who have an individual reaction to the substances contained in the tablets.

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