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Women's Health

Arimidex, which is anastrozole - is prescribed for women in the post-menopausal period of widespread breast cancer. As exception can be patients with estrogen negative cancer if only earlier they didn't have a positive clinical answer on tamoxifen. For adjuvant therapy at the patients in the post-menopausal period having the positive indicators of receptor of hormone, an invasive estrogenpositive breast cancer at early stages. For adjuvant therapy at patients in a post-menopausal period who had adjuvant treatment by tamoxifen within 2-3 years, estrogen of a positive breast cancer at early stages.

Arimidex Arimidex
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Asacol, which is mesalamine - derivative of 5-aminosalicylic acid. It is prsecribed for treatment and remission maintenance at patients with ulcer colitis (earlier known as nonspecific ulcer colitis) of mild and moderate type.

Asacol Asacol
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General Health

Aricept, which is donepezil - is prescribed at dementia which occured due to Alzheimer disease (mild and moderate severity) at adults, including elderly people (symptomatic treatment). Medicine works through inhibition in acetylcholinesterase of brain.

Aricept Aricept
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Pain Relief

Artane, which is trihexyphenidyl - has a prominent central and peripheral cholinolytic effect. It is prescribed to patients with the diagnosed Parkinsonism of various etiology and other diseases of extrapyramidal system which are followed by increase in a muscle tone and hyperkinesias (violent automatic movements owing to involuntary reduction of muscles).

Artane Artane
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Amaryl - a medicine of group of sulphonylurea, the peroral hypoglycemic medicine. It has an initially prolonged effect. The mechanism of action consists in stimulation of secretion and release of insulin from beta cells of a pancreas (pancreatic effect). It also increases sensitivity of fatty and muscular tissues to effect of insulin (extrapancreatic effect).

Amaryl Amaryl
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Women's Health

Alesse is a drug that women take regularly to prevent pregnancy. The medicine contains an estrogen and a progestin. Due to such combination of hormones the ovulation doesn’t occur. The fluid from the vagina gets thicker and prevents ovum fertilization. The drug doesn’t also let the fertilized egg attach to the womb. When the egg doesn’t attach, it will surely leave the body during the menstruation. Pills help to make the menstruation more regular, kill the periodic pain and reduce the amount of blood loss. They are effective in acne treatment and in preventing the risk of ovarian cysts.

Alesse Alesse
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Actos, which is pioglitazone - is prescribed to patients with diabetes of type 2 (both as monotherapy, and in a form of the combined therapy with sulphonylurea, metformin or insulin as additional medicine to dietotherapy and physical exercises). Pioglitazone represents peroral hypoglycemic medicine of Thiazolidinediones alignment which effect depends on insulin presence. It is a high-selective agonist of gamma receptors, activated by proliferator of peroxysom (PPAR-γ).

Actos Actos
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Blood Pressure

Adalat, which is nifedipine - belongs to hypotensive medicine with antianginalny activity. Blocking calcic channels, an active component of Adalat (nifedipine) causes decrease in intracellular concentration of ions of calcium in smooth muscle cell of intima of vessels and cardiocyte, causing vasodilatory action - in particular, on coronary vessels. As a result of decreases systolic blood pressure, falls TPR and decreases afterload on cardiac muscle. Except for normalization of a coronary blood flow, Adalat promotes pressure decrease in system of pulmonary artery, improves cerebral haemo dynamics. Long-term taking of medicine guarantees anti-atherogenous action, prevents thrombocyte aggregation.

Adalat Adalat
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Skin Care

The effect of clomipramine is to inhibit the opposite neurological catching of serotonin and noradrenaline. The most crucial is the suppression of serotonin recapture. In addition, the medicine has a broad range of other pharmacological actions: alpha 1-adrenoliticheskoe, anticholinergic, antigestagen and antiserotonergic. The pill acts on the depressive disorder in general. The difference is usually observed after 2-3 weeks of therapy. Acticine also has a specific influence on obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Acticin Acticin
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Avapro - the remedy which is used separately or in combination with other drugs for treatment of high blood pressure. It is also used for treatment of diseases of kidneys caused by diabetes mellitus 2 type (the state at which the organism can't use insulin normally and, therefore, can't control amount of sugar in blood) and high blood pressure. Irbesartan in a class of the drugs called antagonists of receptors of angiotensin II. It works by blocking of effects of some natural substances which tighten blood vessels that allows blood flow more smoothly and the heart works more effectively.

Avapro Avapro
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Altace, which is Antihypertensive (the reducing arterial pressure) medicine, inhibitor of angiotensine transforming enzyme. Suppressing angiotensin II synthesis, narrowing a luminal occlusion also reduces its stimulating influence on effuse of aldosteron. Increases activity of a renin in plasma. The medicine also inhibits metabolism (interferes with decomposition in an organism) of bradykinin. Medicine reduces the general vascular peripheral resistance, does not change significantly a renal blood flow.

Altace Altace
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Pain Relief

Azulfidine - a medicine with antimicrobic and antiinflammatory properties. It is taken at ulcer colitis, an ulcer proctitis, a pseudorheumatism, Crohn's disease. After reception Sulfasalazinum - it is observed the normal intestinal microflora, and as result of the molecule of active ingredient breaks up to compound components: sulphapyridine and 5-aminosalicylic acid. These substances have antibacterial and antiinflammatory activity. Antiinflammatory effect of 5-aminosalicylic acid thanks to low ability to absorption is defined generally in walls of a large intestine. Sulphapyridine has generally systemic antiinflammatory effect due to better absorption.

Azulfidine Azulfidine
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Berries and the root of an evergreen plant called Ashwagandha are used to manufacture drugs. The benefits of the plant are not well studied but medics prescribe it to treat painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints, nervousness, insomnia, cancer, tuberculosis, breathing difficulties, vitiligo, bronchospasm and coughing, fibromyalgia, problems caused by menstruation, hiccup, and liver disorders. The drugs based on Ashwagandha work as excellent antidepressant and tonic. Some patients use it to cope with pain, inflammatory process, and infertility. It’s applied for wound treatment and as an enhancer of sexual desire.

Ashwagandha Ashwagandha
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Women's Health

Aygestin - the pharmaceutical preparation, containing synthetic analog of hormones of a yellow body of an ovary, it has a prominent effect on an internal cover of a uterus. It causes changes in an inside layer of a uterus, preparing it for implantation of an oospore, provides normal course of pregnancy, reduces contractility of a uterus, especially pregnant stimulates development of lactigerous parts of mammary glands. It is taken at treatment of a secondary amenorrhea, dysfunctional bleedings, polymenorrheas with the shortened phase of a yellow body, endometriosis, endometrial cancer, mastodynia and diffusion mastopathy.

Aygestin Aygestin
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  • ADVAIR DISKUS combines the inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) medicine fluticasone propionate and the LABA medicine salmeterol.
  • ICS medicines such as fluticasone propionate help to decrease inflammation in the lungs. Inflammation in the lungs can lead to breathing problems.
  • LABA medicines such as salmeterol help the muscles around the airways in your lungs stay relaxed to prevent symptoms, such as wheezing, cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can happen when the muscles around the airways tighten. This makes it hard to breathe.
  • It is not known if ADVAIR DISKUS is safe and effective in children younger than 4 years.
Advair Diskus Rotacap 250mcg/50mcg 30 dose Advair Diskus Rotacap 250mcg/50mcg 30 dose
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Aciphex - the medicine, normalizing acidity of a stomach, inhibitor of a proton pomp. It is prescribed at gastroduodenal ulcer in the exacerbation phase, gastroesophageal reflux disease; states which are characterized by pathological hyper secretion including Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. In combination with bactericide - Helicobacter pylori eradication at patients with gastric ulcer or chronic gastritis; treatment and prevention of recurrence of an ulcer at patients with gastric ulcer related to Helicobacter pylori.

Aciphex Aciphex
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Astelin belongs to antihistamines which purpose is to block histamines in the human organism. It’s a spray that deletes nasal congestion, itching, and sneezing. The medicine is effective in case of infection, inflammation, and allergic reaction which result in itching, stuffy, and runny nose. Medics usually prescribe it for adults and children above five (in case of seasonal allergy) and above twelve (in case of vasomotor rhinitis that constricts and dilates a vein, artery, or capillary in the nasal cavity).

Astelin Astelin
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Aristocort - glucocorticoid drug (the adrenal hormone influencing carbohydrate and protein metabolism). Renders prominent antiinflammatory, antiallergic and immunodepressive (suppressing immunity - body defences of an organism) effect. It is prescribed at rheumatism, allergic reactions, multiform erythema (variously proceeding skin disease which occurs with rubefaction of affected area of skin), pseudorheumatism (the infectious and allergic disease from a group of collagenoses which is characterized by chronic progressing inflammation of joints); systemic lupus erythematosus and other collagenoses.

Aristocort Aristocort
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