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Being a part of the medicine Allegra - fexofenadine it is an antihistamine with a selective antagonistic activity to H1-receptors without anticholinergic and blocking alfa1-adrenergic receptors; also at fexofenadine isn't observed a sedative action and other effects from the central nervous system. The antihistaminic effect of Allegra is observed in 1 hour, reaching its maximum in 6 hours, and proceeds within 24 hours. After 28 days of taking the medicine there wasn't observed the accustoming to it.

Allegra Allegra
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Pain Relief

Aspirin renders analgesic, febrifugal effect, in high doses has - antiinflammatory action. It has antiaggregant (interfering formation of a clot) activity. It is prescribed at pain syndrome of mild and moderate intensity, including inflammatory, genesis, in particular, headache, dentagra, algodismenorrhea, feverish states, including, acute respiratory infections, thrombophlebitises, thromboses of vessels of retina, disturbance of cerebral circulation, coronary heart disease.

Aspirin Aspirin
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Anti Viral

In case of an arterial hypertension of Atacand causes dose-dependent long lowering of arterial pressure. Anti-hypertensive action happens due to decrease in system peripheric resistance without reflex increase in heart rate. Instructions on serious or strengthened hypotension after taking of the first dose or Withdrawal Effect after termination of treatment are absent.

Atacand Atacand
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Healthy Bones

Arava - a basic medicine with antirheumatic effect. Action is happened due to active metabolite of leflunomid. It has the inhibiting action on degidrorotate-dehydrogenase. Taking the medicine the progression of rheumatoid arthritis is slowed down, it is stopped the affection of arthral layers. Development of therapeutic effect is observed in a month. Increase of effect is noted within half a year.

Arava Arava
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Heart Disease

Atorlip-10 belongs to the drugs which reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides. Doctors identify the level with the help of blood tests. If the level is rather high, then the patients are prescribed the pills. Heart attack, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases can be prevented thanks to the medicine. The pills are effective in case the disease is acquired due to the improper way of living or when it’s inherited.

Atorlip-10 Atorlip-10
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Blood Pressure

Avalide is an effective medicine which aim is to lower the blood pressure. Hypertension provokes serious diseases as strokes, heart attack, and problems with the kidney. An angiotensin receptor blocker and diuretic are the basic components of the drug. The first one relaxes the walls of the blood vessels letting the blood move freely without the pressure. The second component stimulates urination so that a patient can get rid of extra salt and water which also provoke high blood pressure.

Avalide Avalide
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Healthy Bones

Actonel, which is risedronate - is prescribed for treatment and prevention of osteoporosis (post-menopausal, caused by corticosteroids), Paget disease. Risedronate binds to substance of a bone tissue, inhibits its resorption mediated by osteoclasts and reduces a bone turn (does not break process of formation of a bone). It increases the biomechanical strength and volume of bone mass. The maximum decrease in a bone turn is observed in 3-6 months, remaining at the same level during a course of treatment.

Actonel Actonel
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Blood Pressure

Aceon, which is perindopril - is prescribed at hypertensia, stroke prevention, chronic cardiac failure. Medicine has a vasorelaxant action, it reduces an afterload due to TPR relief, the medicine reduces resistance in vessels of lungs. It is observed increase of the minute volume of myocardium and increase tolerance of myocardium to strain. The medicine has the natriuretic effect and cardioprotection action. The effect of hypotension is observed in 60 minutes after taking the medicine. Arterial pressure loss isn't followed by development of tachycardia. The maximum therapeutic effect is observed in 4-8 hours, the effect is long-term (up to 24 hours). Perindopril improves brain, kidneys, and myocardium circulation, it reduces the needs of cardiomyocytes for oxygen at CHD.

Aceon Aceon
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Heart Disease

Combined oral contraceptives block the action of gonadotropins. The first effect of these drugs is aimed to inhibit ovulation. The drug leads to modifications in cervical mucus. Thus, it is strenuous for sperm to pass to the uterine cavity and affect the uterine lining, thereby reducing the possibility of implementation. It helps to prevent pregnancy. Moreover, oral contraceptives prevent pregnancy and have a number of advantages. They have an impact on the cycle of menses and it becomes regular. The amount of blood loss at the time of menstruation is shorter as well as the loss of iron, dysmenorrhea is rare.

Atorlip-20 Atorlip-20
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Asendin, which is amoxapine, is used at treatment of major depressive disorder. In comparison with other antidepressants, it has more quick start of action, at the same time its therapeutic effects are observed from four to seven days. The drug also has the properties similar to atypical anti-psychotics, and can be used not on direct treatment of schizophrenia. Asendin - is a tetracyclic antidepressant from a family of dibenzoxazepine, however the drug is often classified as tricyclic antidepressant - of secondary amines.

Asendin Asendin
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Erectile Dysfunction

Alprostadil is a medicine used to treat the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction (impotence).

Alprostadil Alprostadil
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General Health

Aggrenox - the combined antiplatelet agent. There are two active ingredients - acetilsalicylic acid and dipiridamol. Action of such combination is caused by different biochemical mechanisms. Aggrenox is prescribed for secondary prevention of ischemic stroke which proceeds as thrombosis. Medicine is also effective for prevention of transitory ischaemic attack.

Aggrenox caps Aggrenox caps
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Heart Disease

Atorlip-5 is a drug which purpose is to lower the level of so-called bad cholesterol in the human organism. Its amount is identified due to the blood testing. The accumulation of low-density lipoprotein can lead to atherosclerosis. As the result, arteries are getting narrow causing cardiovascular complications as strokes, heart attacks, hypertonia, and peripheral artery disease. Liver fat can be also reduced thanks to the drugs. The other benefit is that the medicine increases the level of high-density lipoprotein.

Atorlip-5 Atorlip-5
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Accupril, which is quinapril, medication with hypotensive, natriuretic, cardio-protecting effect and vasodilating properties. It is used in case of an arterial hypertension (mono- or combined therapy), heart failure (combined therapy).

Accupril Accupril
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Dapsone is a pharmaceutical antibiotic used for the treatment of symptoms related to severe skin conditions caused by bacterial infections. It decreases the swelling, among other symptoms in skin affected by dermatitis, and leprosy (Hansen’s disease). Each tablet contains 100mg of dapsone. The generic brand for this medication is: Aczone.

Aczone Aczone
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Alphagan is a medicine used to treat the symptoms of Elevated Intraocular Pressure and Ocular Redness. Alphagan may be used alone or with other medications.

Alphagan belongs to a class of drugs called Antiglaucoma, Alpha Agonists.

It is not known if Alphagan is safe and effective in children younger than 2 years of age.

Alphagan 0.2% Alphagan 0.2%
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General Health

Ascorbic Acid has an important value for life activity of an organism. Participates in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood coagulation, normal permeability of capillaries (of smallest vessels), formations of steroid hormones, synthesis of collagen and procollagen. Increases resistance of an organism to infections. It is prescribed at avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis of C, hemorrhagic diathesis, intoxication and diseases of GIT.

Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic Acid
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Healthy Bones

Product description

Alfacip is an active metabolite of Alfacip, which performs important functions in regulation of the calcium balance and the bone metabolism. (Hypocalcemia; Osteodystrophy; secondary hyperparathyroidism;)

Alfacip Alfacip
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