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Men`s Health

Lovegra is Sildenafil and given to women to increase genital blood flow in order to obtain vaginal compliance and boost libido in women.

Lovegra Lovegra
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Heart Disease

Combined oral contraceptives block the action of gonadotropins. The first effect of these drugs is aimed to inhibit ovulation. The drug leads to modifications in cervical mucus. Thus, it is strenuous for sperm to pass to the uterine cavity and affect the uterine lining, thereby reducing the possibility of implementation. It helps to prevent pregnancy. Moreover, oral contraceptives prevent pregnancy and have a number of advantages. They have an impact on the cycle of menses and it becomes regular. The amount of blood loss at the time of menstruation is shorter as well as the loss of iron, dysmenorrhea is rare.

Atorlip-20 Atorlip-20
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Pain Relief

Cilostazol - reversibly oppresses aggregation of thrombocytes caused by various incentives, surpassing in this respect Аspirin, Dipiridamolum, Тiclopidine and Pentoxifylline. It also inhibits formation of arterial blood clots and proliferation of smooth muscle cells, possesses vasodilating action.

Cilostazol Cilostazol
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Trileptal is used to treat simple and complex forms of partial epileptic seizures that have secondary generalization (possibly without it) beginning at the age of one month; generalized tonic-clonic forms of epileptic seizures in patients from two years of age. Reviews about Trileptal have a positive connotation, which allows to determine its effectiveness in use, thanks to patients who have experience of taking the drug.

Trileptal Trileptal
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A lipid-lowering agent. Reversibly inhibits HMG-COA reductase, inhibits the cholesterol synthesis at the stage of mevinolinic acid and moderately reduces its intracellular concentration. The indications for the drug use include: primary hypercholesterolemia mainly of IIa and IIb types, under the ineffective diet treatment in patients with increased risk of coronary atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia combined with hypertriglyceridemia; prevention of coronary artery disease. The drug decreases the risk of myocardial infarction, the need for revascularization of the myocardium, deaths from cardiovascular system diseases.

Pravachol Pravachol
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Combivir - the antiviral combined medicine. Lamivudin and zidovudine are highly effective selective inhibitors of HIV-1 and HIV-2. Lamivudin is a synergist of a zidovudine concerning oppression of replication of HIV.

Combivir Combivir
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Blood Pressure

Isoptin is a calcium ion antagonist of the phenylalkylamine group. It improves myocardial perfusion, eliminates coronary spasm, reduces myocardial oxygen demand. It is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Isoptin Isoptin
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An antituberculosis drug which acts bacteriostatically; it enters the actively growing cells of mycobacteria by inhibiting RNA synthesis, interferes with cellular metabolism, causing cessation of reproduction and death of bacteria. Active only in relation to the intensively dividing cells. Inhibits the growth and reproduction of tuberculosis mycobacterium resistant to streptomycin, isoniazid, PASK, ethionamide, kanamycin. In the conditions of monotherapy, the resistance of mycobacteria develops fast enough.

Myambutol Myambutol
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General Health

Cordarone - antiarrhytmic drug of III class (repolarization inhibitor). Possesses also anti-anginal, coronarodilator, alpha and beta, adrenoceptor blocking and hypotensive action. The anti-anginal effect of Cordarone is caused by coronarodilator and anti-adrenergic action, reduction of need of a myocardium for oxygen.

Cordarone Cordarone
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General Health

Dramamine is an antihistamine drug that reduces the effect of the natural chemical histamine in the body. Dramamine is used to treat or prevent the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness associated with motion sickness.

Dramamine Dramamine
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General Health

Aggrenox - the combined antiplatelet agent. There are two active ingredients - acetilsalicylic acid and dipiridamol. Action of such combination is caused by different biochemical mechanisms. Aggrenox is prescribed for secondary prevention of ischemic stroke which proceeds as thrombosis. Medicine is also effective for prevention of transitory ischaemic attack.

Aggrenox caps Aggrenox caps
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Anti Viral

Coumadin - anticoagulant of indirect action. It is taken for treatment and prevention of a deep vein thrombosis and embolism of a pulmonary artery, the transitory ischaemic attacks and an ischemic stroke, secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and prevention of tromboembolic episodes after a myocardial infarction, prevention of tromboembolic episodes at patients with fibrillation of auricles, cardiac valve damage or with the fitted prosthesis heart valves.

Medex Medex
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Epivir-HBV selectively suppresses replication of HIV-1 and HIV-2 in vitro. Gets into the cells induced by a virus passes into an active form - lamivudine 5 triphosphate which is the weak inhibitor of RNA and DNA-dependent return transcriptase of HIV.

Epivir-HBV Epivir-HBV
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General Health

Kemadrin is a medicinal substance similar in its effect to atropine; It is used to reduce tremor and rigidity of muscles in Parkinsonism.

Kemadrin Kemadrin
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DDAVP® Nasal Spray (desmopressin acetate) is a synthetic analogue of the natural pituitary hormone 8-arginine vasopressin (ADH), an antidiuretic hormone affecting renal water conservation.

DDAVP 2.5ml spray 10 mcg DDAVP 2.5ml spray 10 mcg
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Coversyl is ACE inhibitor. It eliminates arterial hypertension, by means of disturbance of formation of angiotensin 2 and stopping of its narrowing impact on arterial vessels. At long treatment the drug recovers elasticity of big vessels and hypertrophy of a left ventricle decreases. At heart failure the medicine reduces a myocardium hypertrophy.

Coversyl Coversyl
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A drug for the prevention and treatment of HIV infection. An antiviral agent, which competitively blocks the reverse transcriptase and selectively inhibits the replication of viral DNA.

Retrovir Retrovir
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is given to patients for treating severe acne that do not respond to other medicines

Zyrtec Zyrtec
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