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The medicine is a cardioselective blocker of beta-1-adrenergic receptors. A major risk index for glaucomatous scotoma is an increased tension. When its rate is soaring, the eyes are more damaged. As a consequence, a visual field narrows. Betoptic reduces both increased and usual pressure, regardless of if it occurs with glaucoma, or not; the structure of its activity is connected with a decline in the performance of intraocular fluid. Betaxolol acts after half-an-hour, and the expected result is normally achieved after 2 hours after application.

Betoptic Betoptic
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Caduet consists of Amlodipine besylate and atorvastatin calcium. Caduet has a double mechanism of action; action of amlodipin as dihydropyridinic antagonist of calcium and for suppression of atorvastatin HMG-CoA reductase. It is taken for prevention of cardiovascular events at patients with hypertension, with three concurrent factors of cardiovascular risk, with cholesterol level from normal to moderately raised, without clinical manifestations of ischemic heart disease and also when according to the existing recommendations about treatment the combined use of amlodipin and low dose of atorvastatin is deemed appropriate.

Caduet Caduet
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Dulcolax - purgative. Causes irritation of the receptor of bowels, exerts direct impact at mucous membrane of intestines, strengthening its peristaltics and increasing secretion of slime in a large intestine. It is effective at hypotonic and colonic inertia for regulation of fecal matter. Sometimes it is taken at preparation for surgeries, instrumental examinationand and radiological researches.

Dulcolax Dulcolax
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