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Aristocort - glucocorticoid drug (the adrenal hormone influencing carbohydrate and protein metabolism). Renders prominent antiinflammatory, antiallergic and immunodepressive (suppressing immunity - body defences of an organism) effect. It is prescribed at rheumatism, allergic reactions, multiform erythema (variously proceeding skin disease which occurs with rubefaction of affected area of skin), pseudorheumatism (the infectious and allergic disease from a group of collagenoses which is characterized by chronic progressing inflammation of joints); systemic lupus erythematosus and other collagenoses.

Aristocort Aristocort
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Erectile Dysfunction

Kamagra Effervescent - a cutting-edge invention in a pharmacological niche when one has given an idea to release the ED Generic in the form of instant polos that turn an ordinary drinking water into a marvelous orange juice drink. This format permits one to perceive the intake of the pharmaceutical as a real pleasure.

Kamagra Effervescent Kamagra Effervescent
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Blocks the final stage of HCl secretion, reducing basal and stimulated secretion, regardless of the nature of the stimulus. Prescribed for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in acute phase, erosive-ulcerative esophagitis, reflux esophagitis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, stress ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract; eradication of Helicobacter pylori within a combination therapy, non-ulcer dyspepsia.

Prevacid Prevacid
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Being a part of the medicine Allegra - fexofenadine it is an antihistamine with a selective antagonistic activity to H1-receptors without anticholinergic and blocking alfa1-adrenergic receptors; also at fexofenadine isn't observed a sedative action and other effects from the central nervous system. The antihistaminic effect of Allegra is observed in 1 hour, reaching its maximum in 6 hours, and proceeds within 24 hours. After 28 days of taking the medicine there wasn't observed the accustoming to it.

Allegra Allegra
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Heart Disease

Cardizem, derivative benzothiazepine, has anti-anginal, antiarrhytmic and hypotensive effect. It is prescribed at arterial hypertension: after myocardial infarction, at patients with accompanying stenocardia when beta adrenoblockers, are contraindicative at patients with diabetic nephropathy, in cases when ACE inhibitors are contraindicated; angina of effort, Prinzmetal's angina; prevention of a coronary spasm when carrying out a coronary angiography or operation of aortocoronary shunting.

Cardizem Cardizem
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Men`s Health

Cardura is consumed to rebalance the blood pressure within hypertension, as well as to cure benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This drug was not distinguished by a negative effect on the metabolism, which was often recorded in analogs. That's why Cardura earned positive reviews from people suffering from cardiovascular insufficiency, asthma, diabetes.

Cardura Cardura
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Haldol antipsychotic remedy, butyrophenone derivative. It has a powerful antipsychotic effect, moderate sedation. The mechanism of antipsychotic action of haloperidol is associated with the blockade of dopamine receptors in the mesocortex and limbic system.

Haldol Haldol
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It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent that effectively inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In addition, it reversibly inhibits collagen-induced platelet aggregation. In oral administration, the drug is partly absorbed in the abdomen and then completely in the intestine. After metabolism in the liver (hydroxylation, carboxylation) pharmacologically inactive metabolites are completely excreted in the urine. In oral administration, the maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved in 1-2 hours.

Mentax Mentax
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Pamelor is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA, tricyclic antidepressants) of the second generation. It is used in the treatment of some major depressive disorder and nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) in children. In addition, the drug is sometimes used for the treatment of chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain and migraine, and the lability in certain neurological diseases.

Pamelor Pamelor
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Women's Health

Fosamax - drug for treatment of Paget disease, osteoporosis at women in a postmenopause, osteoporosis at men, a hypercalcemia at malignant tumors. Active alendronate ingredient - non-hormonal specific inhibitor of an osteoclastic bone resorption, suppresses osteoclasts. Taking of Fosamax stimulates bone formation, recovers positive balance between a resorption and recovery of a bone, progressively increases the mineral density of bones, promotes formation of a normal bone tissue with normal histologic structure.

Fosamax Fosamax
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Men`s Health

Penegra drug, which can be ordered in an online pharma shop without the RX, is made by Zydus Fortiza (located in India), a major chemical plant producing remedies for potency. The preparation is designed in the form of pills, sorted in blisters for 4 pcs. Penegra, as a generic version of the well-known blue tablet, is used both, at the initial stage, and in severe cases of an impotence.

Penegra Penegra
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A lipid-lowering agent. Reversibly inhibits HMG-COA reductase, inhibits the cholesterol synthesis at the stage of mevinolinic acid and moderately reduces its intracellular concentration. The indications for the drug use include: primary hypercholesterolemia mainly of IIa and IIb types, under the ineffective diet treatment in patients with increased risk of coronary atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia combined with hypertriglyceridemia; prevention of coronary artery disease. The drug decreases the risk of myocardial infarction, the need for revascularization of the myocardium, deaths from cardiovascular system diseases.

Pravachol Pravachol
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Anti Viral

Starlix - an oral synthetic hypoglycemic drug. A medicine based on nateglinide for the treatment of diabetes, which helps to control blood sugar levels. This medicine helps your body to react better to the insulin produced by your pancreas.

Starlix is used in conjunction with diet and exercise to improve blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Starlix Starlix
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is given to patients for treating severe acne that do not respond to other medicines

Zyrtec Zyrtec
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Pain Relief

Voltaren Gel is an over the counter and prescription medicine used to treat symptoms of actinic keratosis, osteoarthritis, acute pain and arthritis pain. Voltaren Gel may be used alone or with other medications.

Voltaren Gel belongs to a class of drugs called Topical Skin Products.

Emulgel Emulgel
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Dulcolax - purgative. Causes irritation of the receptor of bowels, exerts direct impact at mucous membrane of intestines, strengthening its peristaltics and increasing secretion of slime in a large intestine. It is effective at hypotonic and colonic inertia for regulation of fecal matter. Sometimes it is taken at preparation for surgeries, instrumental examinationand and radiological researches.

Dulcolax Dulcolax
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General Health

Indinavir is used to treat diseases caused by HIV-1 in adult patients who have not received antiretroviral therapy before or who have received antiretroviral drugs and who have contraindications or resistance to drugs - reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

Indinavir (Cipla Ltd) Indinavir (Cipla Ltd)
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Sildamax working with the phosphodiesterase type5 inhibitor. which happening a quicker and more grounded blood flow. That move through the guy’s genital region abandoning him with a harder erection. Sildamax tablets might be a medicine that’s alleged to be take. It’s a generic medication provides you with Associate during a Nursing erection.

Sildamax Sildamax
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